
Accessibility Statement

Volt aims to have a website that is accessible to everyone and on any device. This means we do everything we can to adapt this site, for example, for people with motor or visual impairments, but also for people with low literacy levels or simply for small mobile device screens.

On this page, we explain what has been done and what still needs to be done. We are aware that we can do much better. Please contact us if you have any suggestions to improve our site.

What works well

Responsive Design This site automatically adapts its design if you have a device with a smaller screen. This also works if you reduce the size of your browser window. Some parts of this site include custom design or special texts in our management system.

Contrast In the design process of this site, we took into account the contrast of the texts relative to their background. This way, people with visual impairments can easily read the texts.

No text in images If we combine graphic elements with text, the content is available as plain text. This facilitates the use of this site by people with Braille screen readers.

No cookies Our site does not use cookies; please consult our cookie declaration.

What works partially well

ALT texts for images Not all images include the so-called alternative text, which allows interpretation by screen readers. This feature is especially important for the visually impaired. We are working to ensure that each image has alternative text, which will soon become mandatory in our management system.

Texts for different reading levels We have already managed to shorten the length of sentences in some texts. However, the site is partially adapted to the recommended B1 reading level. In any case, some texts are still provided at B2 or C1 reading levels.

Videos with subtitles Most videos already include an option for subtitles. However, we know that our videos are not always prepared for people with visual or hearing impairments.

What we still need to improve

Create audio content We want to do this with the most important topics of our electoral program.

Independent certification We want a certified and independent agency to evaluate our site.