Volt UK & Rejoin EU have secured over 2.5% of votes in the London-wide Assembly Elections
Volt UK & Rejoin EU record vote total signals growing influence and promising future

By Alessandro Gallo
The recent London-wide Assembly Elections marked a significant moment for Volt UK, which supported the Rejoin EU party, achieving a commendable result of 62,528 votes, which constitutes 2.52% of the total votes. This achievement is not just a number; it represents a victory for our dedication and belief, as we surpassed the 2.5% threshold required to reclaim the deposit of £5,000. This was particularly crucial as it demonstrates our growing influence and secures essential funding for future Rejoin campaigns.
Our performance this year was extraordinary, showing a notable increase of 10,000 votes compared to the previous elections in 2021. This positioned Rejoin EU & Volt UK as the leaders among the smaller parties and placed us just behind Reform UK, who unfortunately managed to secure a seat. The distinction highlights our potential and capability to challenge and eventually stand shoulder-to-shoulder with larger parties.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our committed candidates—Charlotte Blake, Alessandro Gallo, and Marianne Mandujano—and to all our volunteers. Despite the significant financial support gap with other parties and recent challenges within the previous board, achieving such remarkable results in just a one-month timeframe is commendable.
Furthermore, our collaboration with Rejoin EU proved pivotal. Richard Hewison from Rejoin congratulated Volt UK, noting that our joint efforts were decisive in surpassing the deposit threshold. This collaboration not only exemplifies our strategic partnership but also sets a solid foundation for our participation in the upcoming general elections.
As we reflect on these results, we are inspired to continue our journey, fueled by the support and belief of our members and the effective collaboration with our allies. The London elections have compellingly demonstrated that every single vote really counts. This realisation sets an important milestone for our participation and influence in the general elections, paving the way for more significant achievements in our quest for a united Britain within the European Union. Let’s keep the momentum going and aim for even greater successes in the future. Thank you to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. Your support makes all the difference.
Source: https://www.londonelects.org.uk/im-voter/election-results/results-2024-0
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_London_Assembly_election
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