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General Assembly

Jun 15, 2024 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL

Our forthcoming General Assembly will take place on the15th of June 2024, in central London. The venue will be the Conway Hall in Red Lion Square, WC1.

At the event, we will discuss our campaign strategies for the General Election, update each other on our actions to ensure a smooth and progressive campaign, and discuss the policies that we will be presenting in our Manifesto, which will be made available to the general public as soon as possible.

It will also be an excellent opportunity to meet the Volt UK Board members, fellow party members, and supporters, and to engage in the policy and strategic discussions necessary to develop and promote the next steps on our Pan-European and Pro-E.U. approach to British politics.

Non-members are particularly invited to join us and discover just why Volt UK is part of the most dynamic and progressive political movement in Europe.

Light refreshments and a 'sandwich-style' lunch will be provided.

The event link can be found below, and the tickets are free. Grab one now;  we can't wait to see you!

Also on the agenda

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