Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

We have summarised the most important aspects of our Privacy Policy. Please note that only the full version is legally binding. If you have any questions about the processing of your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

What happens to my data? We store and process the data you provide to us in order to inform you about Volt's activities and to enable you to join and participate in our organisation.

Who has access to my data? Only persons duly authorised by Volt Europa can access your data. This may include national/local sections of Volt Europa and accredited subcontractors.

The names and addresses of all Members are recorded in an accessible file available at the local civil court in Luxembourg.

What about data analysis? We may use your data in an aggregated and anonymous form to conduct data analysis.

What are my rights? You can always contact our Data Protection Officer to request that your data be corrected or deleted. You can also contact your national Data Protection Authority.

Why do we collect data? Volt Europa will collect and process the data you provide for the following purposes:

  • To keep you updated about our activities and engage you at the local and national levels (where you reside, according to the information you provide). To personalise our communication with you, we may also use your data from previous interactions with us (e.g., to sign a petition or make a donation).

  • To conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses, possibly combined with other data you have provided (e.g., if you signed one of our petitions). In this case, we will ensure that your identity is kept confidential and that your data is used exclusively for research purposes related to Volt's activities.

  • Members: To verify that you meet the requirements for membership as defined in our Statutes and register you as a member of our organisation. Note that we are legally required to maintain an updated membership list and make it available in a publicly accessible register at the local civil court in Luxembourg.

If you become a member of the European Team, you will be provided with an account or any other online tools we use to collaborate and communicate internally. In these cases, Volt Europa may track your activities within our organisation, such as checking the last time you logged in. Based on this, you may no longer be contacted; the data generated from your use of these services may be used for data analysis in an aggregated form. Additionally, the general conditions set for data analysis apply.

How can you exercise your rights? Supporters: You can delete your data at any time by unsubscribing from our newsletter or contacting us directly. You can access and rectify your personal data by clicking "update my preferences" at any time, or by contacting us directly.

Volunteers: You can always withdraw your consent or make a request to have your data deleted by contacting us at any time.

Members: You can always cancel your membership or send a request to have your data deleted by contacting us at any time, in accordance with the Statutes of our organisation.

You can access and rectify your personal data by contacting us directly at:

Volt Europa A.S.B.L.

[email protected]

Rue Adolphe Fischer 15, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

For any complaints, you can always contact our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]

Right to Complain You have the right to appeal to the National Supervisory Authority in your country at any time. You can find a list of the national authorities of each EU Member State and their contact information here.

Website Usage Data and Cookies As you navigate and interact with our Website, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, actions, and browsing patterns, including details of your visits to our Website, such as traffic data, geolocation data, logs, and other communication data, as well as the resources you access and use on the site. Information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system, and browser type. The information we collect automatically is statistical and may include Personal Information. This helps us improve our site and offer better, more personalised services, allowing us, among other things, to estimate our audience size and usage patterns; store information about audience preferences, allowing us to customise and improve our site; recognise you when you return to our site.

A cookie is a small file placed on your computer's or mobile device's hard drive. It can contain certain data, including but not limited to the name of the server that placed it there, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and an expiration date (for some cookies only). Cookies are managed by your computer's web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome).

Different types of cookies with different purposes are used on our site.

  • Essential cookies: These cookies are essential to enable you to browse our website and use its features. Without them, services such as shopping carts and electronic billing could not function.

  • Performance cookies: These cookies collect information about how you use our site, such as which pages are most frequently viewed. This information allows us to optimise our site and simplify navigation. Performance cookies also allow our affiliates and partners to check if you have accessed one of our sites and what you did there. These cookies do not collect any information that could identify you. All information collected is aggregated and, therefore, anonymous.

  • Functionality cookies: These cookies allow our Website to remember the choices you make while browsing. For example, we may store your geographic location in a cookie so that the Website corresponding to your geographic area is displayed. We may also remember your preferences, such as text size, font, and other customisable aspects of the Website. Functionality cookies can also track the products or videos viewed to avoid repetitions. The information collected by these cookies cannot be used to identify you and cannot track your browsing activity on sites that do not belong to us.

It is possible to encounter third-party cookies on some pages of sites that are not under our control. You can refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting, you may not be able to access certain parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you access our website on your browser.

How do we process your payments? To become a member and maintain your membership status, you will be asked to pay a membership fee. Third parties, such as PayPal or Stripe, may intermediate your transaction and act as a controller in this respect. Both providers ensure, by appropriate means, the safeguarding of your rights and compliance with EU legislation, even when processing your data outside the European Economic Area.

Volt Europa will use your payment data to fulfil its legal and billing obligations under applicable laws and to verify whether you have regularly paid your membership fee.

How is your data processed? We process your data for the following purposes:

  • Newsletters and support requests: We will use the email address you provide to send you these communications. You can choose the language of the communications addressed to you by selecting your preferred language in the electronic form, and we will use your country and city data to send you updates related to the relevant geographic area. Lastly, we will monitor the reach of our messages and make data-driven decisions in executing our communication campaigns by recording information such as whether you read the email we sent you and using previous interactions you had with us (such as petitions you signed or donations you made).

  • Delivery of stickers, mailing, and outreach: We will use your physical address to send you our stickers, which will be sent by our volunteers. If you have consented, we will process your data to send you our updates by mail or to allow our local volunteers to visit you.

  • Gaining support for our petitions: By signing a petition, we will use the data you provide to add you to the list of supporters of the petition you signed.

  • Donations: When you donate to us, PayPal or Stripe will intermediate your transaction and act as a controller in this respect. Volt Europa will continue to process data about your donations to fulfil its legal and billing obligations under applicable laws and to personalise the support requests we send you. If you donate an amount of money exceeding €3000 within a year, we will publicly disclose your identity, having obtained your explicit consent beforehand, in accordance with our donation policy provisions. If you refuse, the total amount of your donation will be refunded.

Finally, we use cookies, clear gifs, and log file information to: (a) remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it the next time you visit the site; (b) monitor the effectiveness of our services; (c) monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns; (d) diagnose or fix technology problems reported by our users or engineers associated with certain IP addresses; (e) help you access your information efficiently after you sign in; and (f) improve the security of our Website.

On what basis do we process your data?

  • Supporters and Volunteers: We process your data based on your consent, in accordance with Article 9.2. (a) of the GDPR.

  • Members: We process your data in the context of our activities and due to your membership status in our organisation, based on Article 9.2 (d) of the GDPR. Data analysis is conducted based on Article 9.2 (f) of the GDPR.

If you consent to becoming a member of the European Team, your data will be processed based on Article 9.2 (a) of the GDPR.

Data analysis is conducted in accordance with Article 9.2 (f) of the GDPR.

Where, how, and for how long will my data be stored? We store your data on servers managed by Volt Europa or its subcontractors. Appropriate safeguards and legal, technical, and organisational measures have been taken to ensure the security of your data.

Your data will be retained as long as you are a Supporter, Volunteer, or Member of our organisation. If your relationship with Volt Europa ends, we will delete your data immediately unless we are legally obliged not to do so (e.g., due to laws or court orders), or if we have the right to continue storing your data for the exercise or defence of legal claims.

For data analysis purposes, aggregated or anonymous subsets of your data may be stored separately. Since these data do not contain personally identifiable information, they can be stored and processed after your original data set has been deleted.

Who has access to your data and to whom is it disclosed?

  • Supporters: Your data will be accessed by authorised members of our team only when necessary.

  • Members and Volunteers: Any data you provide during registration may be disclosed to the HR teams, Legal team, and Board of Directors for the purpose of making decisions about your membership.

Once registered as legal members of our movement, your data will be available to our communications team, your local team leader, your country's expansion team, and your European team leader, if applicable. These team members will only have access to your data when necessary to perform their tasks (e.g., the communications team will handle your contact information as needed to provide you with our updates). Our team will never disclose your personal data outside our organisation unless you have given your consent for such disclosure.

  • Members: A list of our members can be viewed by anyone and for free at the local civil court in Luxembourg. This list contains your name, surname, residence, and nationality.

The data stored for statistical analysis are made available in a non-identifiable form to a limited number of our team members, contractually bound by a confidentiality commitment.

Lastly, our IT department and the employees of our subcontractors may need to access your data for the management and maintenance of the services we rely on. If so, we ensure this happens under an appropriate confidentiality obligation.

We use PayPal to process financial transactions. We use the NationBuilder™ platform to send you our newsletter, promote our petitions, and monitor the success of our fundraising campaigns. Both services may access your data for service provision purposes, under appropriate safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of your data.

International Transfers and Additional Safeguards When communicating with you, or if you become a member of the European Team, we may use service providers located outside the European Economic Area. We always ensure services that guarantee compliance with EU legislation and the effective exercise of your rights. You can find more information on this subject in the corresponding data protection notices, freely accessible from our website.